Discover Life-Affirming Ways to Use Technology

The Problem

Children spend 1600+ hours a year with screens, making digital devices the most influential forces in their lives. Yet we know that thousands of studies detail screen-related dangers including ADD/ADHD, literacy loss, bullying and depression.

The Solution

ICMC resolves these concerns by “priming” young minds for optimal outcomes before turning on digital devices. The results are exponential gains in empathy and learning. We create educational programs and festivals that model mindful, compassionate ways to engage digital devices, while ensuring access to high-quality, culturally diverse media.

  • Discover Life-Affirming


  • The Problem

    Children spend 1600+ hours a year with screens, making digital devices the most influential forces in their lives. Yet we know that thousands of studies detail screen-related dangers including ADD/ADHD, literacy loss, bullying and depression.

    The Problem
  • The Solution

    ICMC resolves these concerns by “priming” young minds for optimal outcomes before turning on digital devices. The results are exponential gains in empathy and learning. We create educational programs and festivals that model mindful, compassionate ways to engage digital devices, while ensuring access to high-quality, culturally diverse media.

    The Solution

    Our Donors

    You can help thousands of children LEARN BETTER with
    Screen Smart!

    Want to close the achievement gap and shut down the school-to-prison pipeline?   Help bring Screen Smart to Chicago kids in need. Click here to donate! 

    What we do

    Instead of focusing on “what, when and how much” media children watch, the ICMC focuses on how youth engage and use screens.

    Screen Smart® is an accelerative early learning program for schools.

    The ICMC’ screen Smart PD workshops are also available for teachers, parents, school districts and conferences.

    Fast FOCUS! and Mindful Viewing Workshops, Seminars & Parent Resources

    The ICMC’s workshops for parents, pediatricians, counselors, and corporations provide adults with essential 21st-century tools.

    ICMC festivals train children of all ages to think and talk critically about the content they consume.
    The ICFilmFest introduces families to global culture and opens their minds to new perspectives, defusing racial, gender and religious bias.
    Building Job Skills & Empathy through Film Festivals.

    These inspirational arts residency programs boost prosocial behaviors, reduce aggression and serve as job training for marginalized and abused youth in detention centers, jails and homeless shelters.


    What we do

    Instead of focusing on “what, when and how much” media children watch, the ICMC focuses on how youth engage and use screens.

    Screen Smart® is an accelerative learning program designed to close the achievement gap in early childhood.

    Screen Smart PD workshops are also available for teachers, parents, school districts and conferences.

    Fast FOCUS! and Mindful Viewing®Workshops & Parent Resources

    The ICMC’s workshops for parents, pediatricians, counselors, and corporations provide adults with essential 21st-century tools for healthy tech habits.

    ICMC festivals train children of all ages to think and talk critically about the content they consume.
    The ICFilmFest introduces families to global culture and opens young minds to new perspectives, defusing racial, gender and religious bias.
    Building Job Skills, Empathy & Community Capacity Through Film Festivals.

    These inspirational and therapeutic arts residency programs boost prosocial behaviors, reduce aggression and serve as job training for marginalized and abused youth in detention centers, jails and homeless shelters.


    How we can help you

    Navigating waves of new technology at home and in school, teachers and parents feel that they are always “behind the tech curve” trying to keep up or manage the damage. ICMC programs transform that paradigm, by showing children (and adults!) that healthy tech habits are fun, inspiring new ways to be more fully human while using technology. Our proven pedagogies provide rapid-impact solutions for some of the most serious challenges facing 21st Century education and early childhood development.
