Join the ICFilmKid program!

Calling All Kids! Do you love watching movies and sharing your opinions?

Two times a week, you’ll view short movies from around the world, and rate them using a special electronic ballot. You’ll also get a chance to talk about the movies with your peers online. Thanks to YOU, all the movies in ICMC festivals are kid-approved!

Eligible ages: 4-9 & 10-13

(Remember, your parent or guardian needs to say YES!)

Sign Up for ICFilmKid!

The ICMC programs offer a revolutionary new kind  of media education that helps families get ahead of the technology curve.  Here’s how:

  • We talk to children before screen use even begins. 
  • We incorporate physical activity and movement into screen time.
  • We prime children to be mindful and self-aware while using technology.

The simple but extraordinary techniques provided in our ScreenSmart methodology are the ticket to healthy e-learning and success in the digital age.

Request more information about ICFilmKid