Women's View Film Festival

Soul-Searching Cinema

Eleven inspirational short films from six countries gets to the heart of the ;nside Story. 

;nside Story

Curated by Women-in-Custody at the Cook County Jail, the eleven films in ;nside Story explore what brings joy and meaning to each of us. From small insights to heroic acts, these characters illuminate the choices that change our world and open our hearts. You’ll be inspired by Jesse’s approach to unwelcome news in Memaw (USA), and uplifted by a caretaker’s compassion in Our Side (Italy). Then, marvel at the animated artistry and iconic images in How Long, Not Long (Denmark).

;nside Story features six Chicago premieres and eleven films from six countries, including: Castaway (France), Memaw (USA), How Long, Not Long (Denmark), Tombstone Pillow (Philippines/USA), Go, Dani, Go (USA), Our Side (Italy), Kenya’s Symphony (USA), The Felling of Colston (UK), Detroit Hives (USA), Dawn (Germany/USA), o29 (France).

Screening Schedule for ;nside Story

Thursday, June 20th, 11:30am:   Cook County Jail Screening (Closed to Public)

Saturday, June 22nd:  Family, Friends & Public Screening:

625 N. Kingsbury. St, Chicago, IL. 60654

Opening reception at 6:30pm, screening at 7pm.

Suggested Donation: $10; FREE to families of individuals in custody.

Seating is limited. Call 773-528-6854 or email info@icmediacenter.org to reserve your seats.

Both screenings will be followed by director Q&A.

Best of the Fest WINNER

The Films


France, 2020 7 min.

Directed by: Marie Gauthier, Léopoldine Perdrix, Margo Lopez, Vinecnt Carrette, Rachel Bosc-Bierne, Flore-Anne Victor, Simon Fabbri.

A lonely girl living in the sky gets an unexpected visit that turns her world upside down. Non-verbal.



USA, 2019, 14 mins.

Directed by: Zanah Thirus

Jesse finds out she is pregnant the same week her beloved grandmother is diagnosed with a terminal illness. What will they do? In English.

Meet the Director at the Q&A

How Long, Not Long

Denmark, 2016, 5 mins.

Directed by: Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot

A powerful visual journey to unmask xenophobia. In English.  

Chicago Premiere

Tombstone Pillow

Philippines, 2019, 12 mins.

Directed by: Daniel Lir and Bayou Bennett

A 9-year-old girl gives the Philippines’ wealthiest widow a tour of a cemetery thousands of people call home where she discovers what real riches are. In English & Tagalog with English subtitles.

Chicago Premiere

Meet the Director at the Q&A

Go, Dani, Go

USA, 2023, 10 mins.

Directed by: Chelsea Ramirez

Dani dreams of playing soccer but spends her summer days working in strawberry fields with her family. In English and Spanish with English subtitles.

Chicago Premiere

Meet the Director at the Q&A

Our Side

Italy, 2020, 12 mins.

Directed by: Nicola Rinciari

Adillah is an African immigrant to Italy who found work caring for an elderly man. When her visa expires, she decides to risk her own safety and help the elderly man when he faces a health crisis. In English and Italian with English subtitles. 

Kenya’s Symphony

USA, 2019 5 min.

Directed by: Carlos Douglas Jr.

A rowdy, playful young girl discovers a passion for music after her mother takes her to hear to a symphony. Non-Verbal.

Meet the Director at the Q&A

The Felling of Colston

UK, 2020, 10 mins.

Directed by: Arthur Cauty

This documentary chronicles the felling of the statue of Edward Colston – a 17th century slave trader – during a Black Lives Matter protest in Bristol, England. In English. 

Chicago Premiere

Detroit Hives

USA, 2020, 6 mins.

Directed by: Palmer Morse, Rachel Weinberg

At an urban bee farm in East Detroit, a young couple work to bring diversity to the field of beekeeping and create opportunities for young Detroit natives to overcome adversity. In English.

Chicago Premiere


USA, Germany, 2021, 4 mins.

Directed by: Timon Birkhofer

Five unique individuals take us on a journey where their achievements shine beyond preconceived ideas of what is possible. Non verbal. 

Chicago Premiere


France, 2019, 5 mins.

Directed by: Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle, Fabien Meyran

In Lisbon, a German married couple is about to ride the legendary n°28 tramway when the brakes let go and take them on an adventurous race – with a baby on board. 

Non verbal.

Play Video

The Birthday Party

USA, 2024, 4 mins.

Directed by: Women’s View Participants

Women create clever ways to celebrate a birthday while incarcerated. Produced by participants in the Women’s View Therapeutic Arts Program. In English.

World Premiere

Special Thanks to our Supporters